Price hike for iconic Bunnings sausage

bunnings sausage feature

The cost of living is continuing to hit us where it hurts, this time at our beloved Bunnings sausage sizzle.

From Saturday July 23, the cost of an iconic Saturday snag will rise by $1 for the first time in 15 years.

It means we'll be shelling out $3.50 for our beloved sausage instead of $2.50.

Onions will still be a free add-on, and drinks will stay at $1.50.

The hardware giants themselves have set the new prices.

Bunnings Chief Executive Michael Schneider says the price had to rise to help community groups dealing with rising costs, which has caused a decline in the funds they're able to raise.

But the extra $1 will still go to the community group for their fundraising efforts, so we can't argue with that.

Main image: haireena/Felman/, Twitter/@BunningsSausage