Space gorilla prank: no one can hear you scream

feature gorilla in space

A hilarious video of a gorilla chasing an astronaut on the International Space Station is doing the rounds of social media again.

The short clip, first posted in 2016, shows a gorilla chasing an astronaut through zero gravity in the small confines of the space station.

The video was shared on Twitter account Latest in space this week and has had 18 million views.

The caption said: Astronaut Mark Kelly once smuggled a full gorilla suit aboard the International Space Station. He didn't tell anyone about it. One day, without anyone knowing, he put it on.”

But in fact, it was Mark’s twin brother Scott in the gorilla suit. He was chasing British astronaut Tim Peake.

Mark, a retired NASA astronaut, sent the gorilla suit to his brother Scott for a bit of fun to help him pass the time while he was doing a one-year stint on the space station.

But the truth is out there....

"Of course people liked it. How can you not like space gorilla?" Scott told People magazine earlier this year in an interview talking about the ongoing popularity of the video.

But he also revealed the video was staged, that they knew it would be funny to show Tim swimming through the weightlessness hilariously trying to escape the gorilla.

Staged or not, it's still funny to imagine being in space expecting an alien and seeing something more familiar but also more terrifying.

Main image: Twitter/@StationCDRKelly