New Studies Show That Men Have Been Peeing Wrong

A leading Urologist has revealed that men are peeing in a potentially harmful way.

According to Dr Gerald Collins, a urological surgeon at the Alexandra Hospital in Cheshire, northwest England, who conducted the study, men should pee sitting down.

The reasoning for this is because it is better for bladder health and also more hygienic.

The study surveyed more than 7000 men across 13 different countries from around the world including Australia and it found that the majority of guys prefer standing while doing their business.

Surprisingly, it turns out that 25 per cent of Aussie blokes are sitting down every time they go to the bathroom, with 27 per cent “never” popping a squat.

Germany are the nation who had the highest number of sitters with 40 per cent, while Singapore had the least with only 5 per cent sitting.

Dr Collins’ argument is that because it’s the “most efficient way” to pee more men should be sitting rather than standing.

Dr Collins explained that sitting makes all of the muscles in the pelvis and the spine completely relaxed, which makes it easier to properly empty your bladder.

He goes on to explain how beneficial it is for older men in particular, given that they have more issues going to the loo.